Friday, January 9, 2009

My Thursday...

Well, i'm in the middle of a busy couple of days and figured I'd blog a bit about my Thursday. Yesterday, was not a good day. You probably dont know this but i've been trying to lose weight...I've lost about 11lbs and climbing. I've adjusted things (i.e. cooking) and then exercising. Well, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I'm 26 years old having chest pains so i got a trip to get an EKG. Well, i walked into the heart center at U.T. medical center, and felt REALLY out of place....I'm dying...but i'm freaking 26 years old and the people in there were like 60+. I found out my blood pressure is higher than normal. That's not good....and i have a slow heartbeat. Craziness...

Fast Forward....I'm driving to work...when this guy thinks he can "beat" me at the light...well, he lost. my little 2006 toyota won...or lost depending on how you look at it. So, as we're standing there waiting on the cop...i'm still wearing the bracelet from my "outpatient testing" he says..."what's the bracelet for...I said well sir, i just found out that I have high blood pressure and just had an EKG." the look on his face was AWESOME. He was like son i'm sorry this happened...i know this didn't help. NOPE, SURE DIDN'T!

Florida won so the day got better.


Brandon said...

dude, where have you been?

lets catch up sometime soon. geese.

merry christmas.