Monday, November 10, 2008

Enjoying my Day off!!!

Well alot has went down since my last post. I'm still getting over the fact that this guy went around the world. That was a BIG deal to me. We have a new President. So, i'm not going to say who I voted for not the place for that, but I will say that I am lifting him, his family, his soon to be administration, and this country up in prayer.

So, Friday night after work (about 6:50) I headed down to Atlanta, Ga. That was a LONG ride by myself. My brother's birthday was this past weekend and so i went down to see them. It was alot of fun. The ride down was painful b/c i was pretty tired. Especially hitting ATL and wanting to rip my eyes out. They were burning pretty bad. After little sleep from Friday night b/c my mom likes to SNORE, I got up and had coffee (i'm drinking more coffee now), showered and enjoyed my mom's delicious breakfast. It's been several months since i've enjoyed that. We headed into Athens to shop hitting several stores before enjoying a meal at Outback. It was nice visiting with them but I was ready to be back in Knoxville!!! So, it's monday as i type and i'm glad to be off work today. I figured i'd stay in ATL longer but there was really no point. So, i came back. What's on the agenda today...fro trim, food, tv, internet, movies, who knows and who cares!! I'm off tomorrow to for Veterans Day. Thanks to those who served!!!

I'm out!