Sunday, December 21, 2008


I'm realizing I'm a horrible blogger. I've been inconsistant for several months. Eh, who cares...its my blog!

Things have been pretty crazy here lately. I've had work obligations and church obligations. That will hopefully be slowing down soon. i'm so excited about the opportunity to stop and slow down this week. Last year, i only had Christmas off. Which was nice but wasn't much at all. I mean I drove home, spent the night, and came back. This year, i get the day after off!!! So i have a long weekend and I'm pretty thankful for that. We just landed our Christmas Bonus and that was a blessing. I've only been with the company a year and 3 months and man, it was great. I am grateful. I went to our annual meeting and it was pretty impressive to hear our "second in command" open the thing up with an incredible prayer! I work for a bank and we are "thanking" God for the Banks Success!! WOW!!!! Then the next day, our President sends an email to every employee and tells them that he hopes the find the meaning of Christmas and is pushing Christ. WoW!

This morning at church was our Music Christmas Program. It was great. We song the classic songs and I had the privilage to do a skit with a good friend named Travis. It went great!!! I'm about to head to our Children's Christmas Play in a hour or so. I'm just holding on til Wednesday. I'm ready to go home and see family. I'm ready to go home and celebrate the gift that was given over 2000 years ago...Which is Christ the Lord!