Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hello 2009!!!!!!!

WoW...well last night we said goodbye to memories. It was a year of change. For some we said goodbye to love, goodbye to friends, and goodbye to memories. Memories that we just wanted to let go and memories that we're not ready to let go. Last night we said hello to possibilities. Possibilities of change, hope, life, love, career, and future. I'm often motiviated at the beginning of a new year. I dont know what the future holds, but I do know WHO holds it. I'm motivated by what could have been and moved to the thoughts of what SHOULD be and finding my place in that. I'm only 26 years old and this year i'll say hello to 27. I've learned so much in the last few years but this last year was a great learning opportunity. I learned alot about my career, my faith, friends, love...or the lack there of. Relationships are just stressful.

I dont like resolutions and this year, i'm not making one. We simply make them and in a few weeks, if that, we've broken them and we're in the same place we are always in.'s what i'm excited about

I'm excited about what 2009 brings. I want to travel and see more of the world. I want to do things that are random and spontaneous. I want to laugh more. I want to be a better person, a better friend, and better son. I want to be more creative. I want to start a band. I want to be a part of a movement. I want to make a difference. I don't want to sit on the sidelines of life and watch. I want to play. I want to be in the game. I want my life and my time to count. I want to make a dent in this world. I want to leave a mark on people. I want to be an influence. I want to continue to find my place in this epic that God has been painting and orchestrating since time began. He has placed all of us in it and its OUR choice to make. Its our choice to make to be active and involved in where He is working.

My hope for 2009 is that i'm in the center of His will and His plans....

What are you hoping for? Where is your place?