Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Beginning to look A Lot like Christmas!!!


It's Sunday and i haven't blogged in forever. Life's been kinda crazy at the moment. Isn't always at Christmas time though? My thankgsiving was good and here we are pushing close to Christmas. This weekend was nice, nothing planned. I did go to Pigeon Forge on Saturday night to see my friend Kyndra and her husband David and there little girl Kyliee. Kyliee warmed up to me pretty good. At first, she was scared but then as time went on...she was totally into me. I got to hold her and snuck a kiss. She's like one or two years old. This coming week, i have a doctors appointment which i'm kinda excited about. Yes, you read that right. I am excited about going to the doctor. I'm off on Tuesday for a shopping day. Next weekend,,, All Christmas parties. Can't wait.

I lead worship this morning. I was NERVOUS! I don't normally get nervous...well that's a lie i do get nervous but this time was different. it turned out pretty good. So, life is good. Thanks for still checking my blog out. I've noticed that there are some new readers and so that's cool. Just sorry i haven't posted alot lately.

Christmas is coming....what are you guys asking for Christmas? I need some ideas!