Monday, December 8, 2008


WOW, I was on twitter on Wednesday and read what Shane Duffey said to single people…here are some quotes from him…

singles- have you ever considered praying that God would literally shape the eyes of your future mate to love exactly who you are?

singles - have you ever asked Him to shape the mind of your future mate to complement and complete you instead of mimic you?

singles - have you ever asked God to prepare your heart from the unexpected… instead of expected Him to give you what you think u want?

single men - ball up and ask a girl out

single men - treat all single ladies with respect (& as a friend once told me) lead her away from the curse instead of toward your bedroom

single men - quit hanging with girls you have no intention of pursuing just to get your emotional jollies

single men - ACT LIKE A MAN and not a middle schooler… they’ll be time enough for that once your married

single ladies - quit thinking that just b/c a guy asked you out that he wants to marry you… just stop that!

single ladies - stop rejecting date offers from guys just b/c God didn’t put a big sign over him that says “This is THE one”!

single ladies - stop talking about a guy you may like with your other single friends b/c they’ll impose all their past hurt on him

single people of all sexes - unless you want to live in arranged marriage countries… go on some dates … just act like you know Jesus



Meredith said...

Um...yeah. That's all I've got to say.

Amanda said...

this is good. thanks for posting