Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer is here!

Summer is officially here. Summer is normally a time to slow down and gear up for the fall complete with sermon prep, sermon series, and ministry events. Well, in student ministry, its normally a busy time. With my current church we are on full steam ahead with summer activities. Its fun but its also very tiring. I just finished our VBS at our church. We had a great turnout! The youth, for whatever reason, comes out strong for this. I remember growing up going to VBS as a student and it was NOT a cool thing. But, these kids show up. We rent out an elementary school for the youth. Why? Because they really come out for this! That ran from Sunday Night-Friday night. Sunday, I preached for the church. It was a lot of fun. Preaching is not my calling. I have NO desire to pastor for this reason. I don’t like preaching. But, I did it. I don’t mind filling in but it was fun and God moved. I preached on the book of Jonah. The theme was simple….We serve a God of Second Chances!

I’m excited to be meeting with a pastor today actually to consult on church growth. For whatever reason, this pastor wanted to sit and talk church planting and I’m more than willing. I enjoy talking church and growth. There is no ONE formula but it’ll be fun. The interesting thing, it’s a completely different denomination than I am. Should be fun and I’m looking forward to it. I’ll be leading worship this Wednesday (tomorrow), followed by a youth event Friday, leading worship Sunday, and then next Wednesday. Iowa Trip is coming! Can't wait to lead worship and minister in Iowa!

The summer is here and it is busy. But, I love it!