Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer update!

The summer is here! I love this time of year but its hot! This pasty white boy has to bathe in sunscreen. Not really, but it’s been pretty hot here in Knoxville. It’ll only get hotter. I swimming the other day (twice actually) and had a blast with that. With the summer also comes a busy schedule. Our church has taken Sunday nights off, however, that appears to be really busy even though we have taken time off. Our youth group recently went to laser port in Pigeon Forge for several hours. We played laser tag, putt-putt, and go karts for hours! They really enjoyed that and so did I! That’s a fun part about student ministry not only do you do things the students like but you do events that you like as well! Our vacation bible school is about to start in less than a week. This week is the calm before the storm. Sunday night we’ll have several hundred kids come and participate. I will be preaching and leading worship several times over the next few weeks which will also keep me busy. That’s a good thing though. Our student ministry will also be heading back to Iowa in late July for a mission trip. Kristi left for Malta several days ago. I had no clue where that was, but it’s a small island south of Italy for a mission trip. It’s been quiet and boring since she’s been gone. Please say a prayer for me over the next few weeks as I do have a lot going on and that I can focus on all that’s going on in my crazy and busy life.