Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 in Review..

As we are about to close out 2009 I think it's fitting to update you guys on what's been happening in my life and what this year has looked like. I'm still living in Knoxville, and God has been good to me once again....He NEVER lets you down.

In early 2009 I felt led to begin working on my first CD. In early Feb. that process began. It was fairly lengthy but that comsumed half of the year. In between work (at the bank) and the church leading worship and doing student ministry, I was making trips to Nashville to work on this project. It was completed in July 3rd. I launched my website www.kevincabe.com to finish out this project. I had the privilage of traveling a bit in support of it. i made some great contacts throughout the process. I had 2 of my songs played on Knoxville's largest Christian radio station as well as stations in Ky, NC, and Minn.

I was able to travel to Orlando for a long weekend in Feb for a break and some fun! In May, several people from my church went to Destin, FL for a week long vacation. In June we had a great VBS with our church. In July, I was able to see one of my best friends get married and sing in his wedding in NC, hopped a plane the next day for Des Moines, Iowa and led worship for a week in Lacona, Iowa. Caught a St. Louis baseball game on the way home. Soon after returning from Iowa (less than a month) I headed to Poland for a mission trip. Saw the Lord move greatly! Had a great time. I began dating a woman from my church on that trip which leads us to today. Things are going well there so be in prayer. My bank job is going well and the church is going strong.

I'm looking forward to 2010 and seeing what God has in store. If i can be of any assistance to you or your family, let me know. If I can lead worship or speak at your church, please pass my name along.
