Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So, i made a new goal for 2009. I'm not calling it a resolution b/c those fail! So, i'm calling it a goal. Anyway...the first one is to eat healthier...and lose weight in the process. The program i'm doing isn't that bad...yet. I'll let you know later.

The goal I am most excited about is reading through the Bible in 90 days. I must say, 90 days is intense. I've never read it cover to cover yet! So, 90 days is crazy. I tapped into Youversion.com for some assistance. I started Jan.1 and i'm in Exodus with it now. I still have a ways to go. The crazy thing though, since i started it, i can tell the enemy is really attacking me. Things that didn't used to bother and such are really getting to me. I know the enemy doesn't like the fact that I'm reading the Word....but its cool. He will lose anyway!

We started small groups at church. Those seem to be going well. I'm pretty satisfied with that. Check back later!