Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Things are about to get busy!I will be playing at West Lonsdale Baptist Church tomorrow night (Wednesday).
This weekend I will be heading to Clyde, NC and playing a BBQ Festival in my hometown. I’m excited about that. I have yet to really do anything in my hometown which is sad. You would think that would have been the first place I would start but, it hasn’t happened that way. I will be playing a BBQ Festival that goes to benefit Broyhill Childrens Home. For more info on them check out http://bchfamily.org/ I will also be leading worship at Ninevah Baptist Church. Pastor Mike Leslie invited me and I’m pretty excited about that. If you are reading this from NC you should be able to find a write in the Mountaineer www.themountaineer.com/ on Wednesday in the Guide. I did an interview with them a few weeks back.
May 8th I will be heading to Forest City, NC and playing IPraise 2010. This is an outdoor Christian Music Festival featuring two stages. I’m pretty excited and nervous about this. Artists are literally coming from all over the country for this show. People from Texas, Colorado, New Jersey, Florida, Tennessee, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. I’m slated to go on around 8:00 just before the main act (which is crazy!) This will be a great opportunity to showcase some music and promote the real reason we are there. Its not music, its not selling Cds, its pointing people to the cross and to a God who is wanting a relationship with them. Please be in prayer!
I will also be heading to back to Chattanooga again in the future as well as playing my first Student Conference in Pigeon Forge. Things on the music end are going fairly well. My church has been great and supportive of my musical adventures. Its funny how God works. I will go through a phase where I don’t even want to touch the guitar and its like God sparks things by providing me opportunities to play and I get excited again. I love leading worship and I love leading at my church.

Thing are going well as far as the dating scene goes. I've been dating a wonderful lady since September and things are going great! Her name is kristi and you can check out her page @ www.kristibreeden.blogspot.com She keeps me busy as well. I'm thankful for her.

This summer is going to be jammed packed with a mission trip and things going on at my church so, that should carry me through the summer. I think God has big things planned for our church if we will just jump on board and go with Him. I look forward to seeing what He does.